Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy instaling
Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy instaling

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy instaling

Though the American version of the game does a great job hiding its Japanese roots, the game is based on a series of pullback cars made by Takara. There's a lot of trial and error to overcome, but when you finally get it right, you might be looking at one seriously addictive little title.

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy instaling

Seek and Destroy might not be a AAA action/strategy title in fact, in many aspects, this is a game that's considerably behind some of its closest competitors – but that doesn't stop Seek and Destroy from being one of the most appealing tactical action titles I've played in a while.įor starters, Seek and Destroy's gameplay loop might not be to everyone's tastes.

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy instaling