Eternium with game guardian
Eternium with game guardian

This character can shoot quickly at long range in multiple directions on the battlefield.

eternium with game guardian

Bounty Hunter is a monster hunter with the ability to use bows, arrows and guns. Anyone wearing lightning-fast armor is nearly invincible. They also possess superspeed to quickly close distance between them and their enemies. Swords of all sizes and colors act as the warrior's permanent weapon. It can use many different skills and perform long-range attacks. A Mage's staff is a combination of long-range magic and back-to-back staffs. You’ll choose one of the following classes in order to achieve your destiny as a superhero. Your youthful talents propel you on a difficult quest: to vanquish evil spirits, barbarians, and the otherworldly. You are an ill-fated hero who appears during adolescence. This includes regular appearances from angels, demons and people in the community.

eternium with game guardian

The magical world of Eternium has several events that occur regularly.

Eternium with game guardian